Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Our Body!

For our book unit we learned about different body parts! Some of the vocabulary was new and some was review so it was a very good unit! One day we made bodies out of play-doh. I think they turned out so great so here are some pictures!






Thursday, March 6, 2014

Easy as ABC!

We have started learning the alphabet! We work mostly on phonics, having everyone get used to making sounds for English words that you don't hear with Turkish words. We will work out way through the alphabet by the end of the year and then have time for some good review work. Keep writing names at home for practice too!

Here are some things we did for letters ABCD:)



Friday, February 14, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school!! I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful holiday!

With our first week back in English, we took some time to review the topics we learned last semester. This lesson focused on SHARING. Everyone worked together to create some beautiful drawings. Sharing is an important value that we continually work on in class this whole year.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Working with Numbers!

Everyone in our class can count to at least ten, which is really great! However, not everyone can recognize numbers on their own, or complete sequencing activities. With that in mind, we worked with numbers in various activities this week! Everyone has shown huge improvements, but don't forget to keep working at home! Here are some pictures from our classes:)

Thursday, December 26, 2013



For Animals we learned both names and different characteristics of animals. We learned about their sounds and where they live as well! Animals are always fun to learn and everyone picked up the vocabulary very quickly!! Get excited for our Animal Song Festival soon!!