Friday, November 22, 2013



This week we added a few new words to our classroom vocabulary! We started with notebook, marker, and pen then moved on to computer! With that we decided to make our own. I think they turned out absolutely wonderful and everybody wanted to take theirs home! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Hello Parents!

We have added a new emotion to our vocabulary! Tired or Sleepy! While there is a subtle distinction in English, for now we will learn about tired and sleepy through similar gestures and expressions. We learned about tired and sleepy using acting scenes, different crafts, and coloring together. Here are just a few pictures from the lesson :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013


 Hello Parents!

This lesson we worked on parts of the face and describing each other. The children we paired up into groups of two and asked to draw each other. They turned out wonderful!! Everyone did great work and created some very unique and interesting pieces of art. I have kept these portraits and will put them on display later in the year:)